C Program To Compute Quotient and Remainder

C Program To Compute Quotient and Remainder: In this program, we will learn how to find the quotient and remainder of any integer.

C Program To Compute Quotient and Remainder

In this program we use:
  • Data Types
  • Variables, Constants, and Literals
  • Input-Output (I/O) 
  • Programming Operators

In this program, we collect the input from the user and the data is stored as Dividend and Divisor respectively.
Then, the Quotient is evaluated by using the divisor operator (/) and stored.
Similarly, the Remainder is evaluated by using the modulo operator (%) and stored.

Source Code:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() 
    int dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder;
    printf("Enter dividend: ");
    scanf("%d", &dividend);
    printf("Enter divisor: ");
    scanf("%d", &divisor);

    // Computes quotient
    quotient = dividend / divisor;

    // Computes remainder
    remainder = dividend % divisor;

    printf("Quotient = %d\n", quotient);
    printf("Remainder = %d", remainder);
    return 0;



Enter dividend: 16
Enter divisor: 5
Quotient = 3
Remainder = 1 

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